
AllStar Favorites Management & Scanning Web App

See screenshot.png for an example of the AllScan GUI. AllScan is a free and open-source web app that provides Favorites Management features, AllStarLink Stats integration, and connection monitoring and control functions.

These features finally give AllStar nodes similar memory management and scan capabilities that analog radios have had for decades. AllScan is mobile-friendly and optimized for ease of use on both small and large screens. AllScan follows the latest web development standards, with PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS cleanly partitioned, runs on both ASL and HamVOIP, and is simple to install, configure, and update.

Prior to installing AllScan it is recommended that you have a working install of Supermon or Allmon. AllScan can automatically read their config files. Currently AllScan supports favorites.ini entries that refer to connecting to nodes eg. ‘cmd[] = “rpt cmd %node% ilink 3 [node#]”’ but may also support other types of commands in the future.

As AllScan receives data from the ASL stats server it updates the Favorites Table rows with color coded details showing the following:

Color codes for ‘#’ column:

‘Rx%’ column: The remote node’s reported TxTime divided by its Uptime, provides a general indication of how busy the node tends to be.

‘LCnt’ column: The reported number of Connected Links (ie. user nodes, hubs, bridges, or other links).

ASL’s stats APIs are limited to 30 requests/minute per IP Address. AllScan uses a dynamic request timing algorithm to prevent exceeding this limit, even if multiple web clients are using AllScan on a node.

AllScan also implements User Authentication, User Account Administration, Login/Logout, User Settings and Cfg Management functions. After install AllScan will automatically create its database and necessary tables, and when you first visit the allscan/ url will prompt you to create an Admin user account. By default, public (not logged-in) users will have Read-Only access and will be able to see the Connection Status and Favorites data, but will not be able to make changes or view any admin (Cfgs / Users) pages. To change this setting, Log in, click the “Cfgs” link, and edit the “Public Permission” parameter.

Additional screenshots: init.png cfgs.png users.png settings.png

Multiple copies of AllScan can be installed on one node (server) if desired, each with their own separate configuration, Favorites, and/or different node numbers. Just make copies of the /var/www/html/allscan/ dir eg. to “allscan2” and put copies of allmon.ini and favorites.ini with your desired configuration in the new folder. Each copy of AllScan will store its user/login credentials in /etc/allscan/ in a .db file named the same as the name of its web folder, eg. “allscan2.db”. (To have other copies use the same user credentials make a symbolic link from eg. allscan2.db to allscan.db.)

Pre-Install Notes

Ideally you should be using ASL3 and you should have Allmon or Supermon properly configured and working. AllScan works great on HamVOIP and older ASL versions but ASL3 is highly recommended as it has numerous major improvements, and also supports x64 platforms (such as Dell Wyse 3040 or Beelink T5 Mini PCs which work much better than RPi’s and are more cost-effective).

If you have Supermon installed AllScan will give you the option to use the favorites.ini file in the supermon directory. See the Supermon page for details on how to install Supermon. If you use Supermon2 instead of Supermon or want to put your favorites.ini file in some other folder, the favorites.ini search location(s) can be set on the AllScan Cfgs Page.

Install / Update

The AllScan Install/Update script automatically checks system configuration details, checks if AllScan is already installed and what version, and if a newer version is available will prompt you to continue with the Install/Update. Just enter ‘y’ and seconds later the install/update will be complete.

Log into your node by SSH and run the following commands:

# ASL3 nodes: Confirm PHP and unzip are installed:
sudo apt update; sudo apt install php unzip -y

cd ~
rm AllScanInstallUpdate.php 2> /dev/null
wget ''
chmod 755 AllScanInstallUpdate.php
sudo ./AllScanInstallUpdate.php

The Install/Update script will provide detailed status messages on each step of the process. Carefully review all output messages and confirm no errors occur.

Now open a browser and go to your node’s IP address followed by /allscan/, eg. and be sure to add a browser bookmark.

If you did a new install AllScan will prompt you to create an admin account. Be sure to do this right away. You can then configure the permission settings for AllScan. These default to Read-Only for public (not logged-in) users. This setting can be changed on the “Cfgs” page.

If you did an update, force a browser reload by pressing CTRL-[F5] or clearing your browser cache, or in mobile browsers do a long-press of the reload button, so your browser will load any updated JavaScript and CSS files.

NOTES for HamVOIP only:

  1. You may need to uncomment/add the following lines in /etc/php/php.ini (make sure they do not have a ‘;’ in front)
  2. Then restart Lighttpd web server or restart the node

AllScan Nodes, Accessories and How-To-Guides

If you do not yet have a node or might like to upgrade your node, see for How-To Guides, Nodes, USB Interfaces, Accessories and more.

AllScan nodes and USB radio/audio interfaces provide extensive features and excellent audio quality - see the Products Page for details.

Configuration Files and Parameters

Most nodes already have a number of Cfg files and to simplify the install process AllScan will try to use these rather than require redundant files/data to be created/entered. These files are as follows:

  1. astdb.txt: The ASL database file with the list of all nodes provisioned on the AllStarLink network. This file should already exist in ../supermon/astdb.txt or /var/log/asterisk/astdb.txt. If the file is not found it will be automatically downloaded into the allscan directory. If you have a properly configured node you should have a cron entry that downloads the latest astdb file at least once per week. AllScan shows the status of the above files and their last modification time in the status messages box (below the Favorites Table). If you see there is no recent astdb file (less than 1 week old) you should review your cron settings (which should have been configured when you installed Allmon or Supermon).
  2. allmon.ini: This defines your node number(s) and the Asterisk Manager credentials. It can usually be found in any of the following locations: ../supermon/allmon.ini, /etc/asterisk/allmon.ini.php, ../allmon2/allmon.ini.php, or /etc/allmon3/allmon3.ini. AllScan will search those locations in that order and use the first file found. If you see connection/stats error messages check those file locations and verify they have the correct data. If you have multiple Nodes defined in allmon.ini, AllScan will use the first Node# in the file. (A future version of AllScan may support multiple Node#s and allow these cfgs to be stored in AllScan’s database.) You can also place an allmon.ini file in AllScan’s web root folder, which will take precedence over other file locations.
  3. Cfg file in the supermon directory with user settings such as your name, call sign, node title, etc. AllScan will automatically import the following variables from if found: $CALL, $LOCATION, and $TITLE2. Otherwise you will be prompted to enter them after first setting up AllScan. The Call Sign and Location parameters are shown in the AllScan Page Header, and the Node Title parameter is shown in the Connection Status Table header.
  4. favorites.ini: The favorites file can be found in the supermon directory or in the allscan directory. Or if you have the file somewhere else (eg. ../supermon2/) you can set that location in the ‘Favorites.ini Locations’ Cfgs Parameter. A sample favorites file is also included.

All AllScan Cfg parameters can be viewed and set on the Cfgs page if you are logged in as an Admin user. Just click the ‘Cfgs’ link and all Cfgs are then shown along with an Edit form.


For any issues including directory/file permissions issues or issues with SQLite not being available it is recommended to first always run the update script. The script will check if you have the latest version of AllScan and update your install if not, and will validate all directory and file permissions and update any out-of-date OS packages. Refer to the “Install / Update” section above, run the update script, reboot the node, and then see if the issue was resolved.

HamVOIP users: See this Blog Post by KJ7T for detailed steps on how to enable the SQLite3 extension in php.ini.

If you have somehow corrupted your install and running the install/update script does not fix it, run “sudo rm -rf /etc/allscan /var/www/html/allscan /srv/http/allscan 2>/dev/null” to completely uninstall AllScan, and then run the installer again.

A common fix for many issues is simply to reboot your node. You might be surprised how many issues end up being resolved with nothing more than a reboot.

Be sure to check out the Ham Radio Crusader YouTube channel AllScan videos for more details and a walkthrough of how to install, set up and use AllScan on ASL3, HamVOIP, or DVSwitch.

If you are still unable to get things working after trying the above, email me at the contact info below and provide as much detail as possible on the issue you see along with the following info:

  1. All messages shown when you run the install/update script.
  2. Directory listing of the web root folder and the allscan folder. Do this by running “cd /var/www/html; ls -la . allscan” (or for HamVOIP “cd /srv/http; ls -la . allscan”).

For fastest response support requests / questions / inquiries should be emailed to me, rather than posted on FB or github.


If you have any questions email david at Also see, and the AllScan FB Group. Note that any tech support questions should be emailed to me – not posted to the FB group.


To contribute to AllScan feel free to send any amount by paypal or venmo to chc_media at Even $5 does help cover expenses and enable me to spend more time on further development and new features. Thank you for your support, and with helping spread the word about AllScan and ASL.

Road Map

As of version 0.65, AllScan implements the main features I originally planned, and works very well for the use case of personal nodes that have one or two primary users and/or a small number of occasional other users. A future version of AllScan will add enhanced support for a larger number of simultaneous web-client users (which will require ASL stats caching so that numerous web-clients would not each be making separate ASL stats requests which would significantly slow down the stats scanning functions). However this is not a common use case and is not a current priority. AllScan will also at some point more fully support nodes with more than one node number eg. allowing the local node to be selected from a select box control. Other changes planned:

  1. Enhanced Favorites management features, saving favorites in AllScan DB rather than in other folders, editing favorites text, reordering table. Enable auto update check such that AllScan will check once every few days to see if a new version is available and highlight the Update link if so
  2. Enhanced stats features, caching of stats data to AllScan DB
  3. Other features that are highly requested or that seem like a good idea

Release Notes

v0.89 2025-03-02
Enable nodes to be connected by double-clicking on node# links. This has the same effect as single-clicking a node# and then clicking the Connect button.

v0.88 2024-11-07
Enable reading AMI cfgs from rpt.conf and manager.conf if not found in .ini search locations.

v0.87 2024-10-18
Fix bug where on new installs on nodes with no existing favorites files the main page would not fully load. Other minor optimizations.

v0.86 2024-10-15
Simplify entry of node Call Sign, Location and Title configs for installs that do not have a Supermon file from which these can be imported. In this case a form is now shown where these settings can be easily entered.

v0.85 2024-10-15
Add Favorites File Management functions to the Cfgs Tab, and a Favorites File Select control to the main page. These functions support viewing, downloading, copying, deleting, renaming and uploading favorites files, and enable simple switching between them.

v0.83 2024-09-12
Show additional messages in the log window at startup including which ASL channel driver is enabled, audio gain settings, and ASL RxAudioStats support.

v0.81 2024-08-26
Updates to AMI parser to auto-detect Asterisk version and support differences in some commands in ASL2/3. Restart Asterisk button now works with ASL3. Display ASL version in messages window at startup. Fix issue where in ASL3 after Asterisk restart AMI stats error messages could repeat indefinitely, in this event AllScan will now reload. Update default favorites.ini file. Fix some php log warning messages.

v0.75 2023-11-05
Update install/update script with changes from WA3WCO to support additional Linux versions, see for details.

v0.74 2023-10-03
Support reading temp sensor on RPi2’s. Readme updates.

v0.73 2023-08-23
Allow account email addresses from domain names with long suffixes. Add checks to prevent some possible “Undefined array key” PHP warning messages.

v0.72 2023-06-18
Add functions for checking free and total disk space, and log files > 50MB in size. Display this info in startup messages. Add _tools/checkFs.php script which can be called to delete any files in /var/log/ or /var/log/asterisk > 50MB in size. This is not called from AllScan but can be called from cron by running ‘sudo crontab -e’ and adding a line similar to “0 * * * * (/var/www/html/allscan/_tools/checkFs.php cron)” to the bottom of the file, to check for and delete excessively large log files once per hour. These features can help monitor free disk space and take corrective action if space is running low.

v0.71 2023-05-28
Fix php log notice on nodes/VMs with no temperature sensor. Optimize stats request timing for case when there are only a small number (<~5) of favorites in which case stats do not need to be read as often.

v0.70 2023-05-20
Implement retrieval of EchoLink node name/callsign data from AMI for display in the Favorites and Connection Status tables. Handle issue where astdb.txt file downloads (downloaded by Allmon/Supermon astdb.php script) can sometimes fail resulting in a 0 byte file. AllScan will now detect this, show a useful log message, check other file locations or download the file if needed.

v0.68 2023-03-25
Allow EchoLink Node #s to be Added to Favorites.

v0.67 2023-03-01
If Call, Location, and Title Cfgs have not yet been set and are read in from, validate those values before saving to AllScan’s Cfgs. Prevents case of invalid text being read in from a file that was not yet configured. (Note that the Call, Location, and Title Cfgs are used only in the page header menu bar and are entirely separate from any User account settings.)

v0.66 2023-02-27
Fix issue where DTMF command function would not accept digits A-D. Note that for mobile browsers the Node#/Command text field is specified as inputmode=”tel” so that a numeric keypad with large keys appears on phones, making it easier to type in node numbers. For a standard keyboard (supporting letters ie. A-D), delete the “inputmode=”tel”” text from include/viewUtils.php line 35.

v0.65 2023-01-28
Fix issue where Connection Status table would not update after ‘Restart Asterisk’ button used. Various optimizations.

v0.62 2023-01-25
Update handling of JS offline/online and EventSource error events to reinit EventSource and Stats functions rather than reload page. Update Favs table sort function to use case-insensitive string sort option.

v0.61 2023-01-24
Support ‘Favorites.ini Locations’ Cfgs setting. Optimizations to Favorites Add/Delete functions, support cases of blank or nonexistent files. Minor optimizations. Link Connection Status table node names to ASL stats page. Adjust Favs table highlight colors.

v0.59 2023-01-23
Support old PHP versions (< 7.3.x) setcookie function w/SameSite parameter. Fixes login issues in v0.53-0.58 on nodes with < PHP 7.3. Enable cookie options to be set with cookieSameSiteOpt and cookieUseRootPath variables in include/UserModel.php.

v0.56 2023-01-22
Optimizations to Keyed node status detection. ASL stats API data for many nodes shows a 0 stats.keyed value even when the node is in fact keyed. Testing revealed that stats.totalkeyups count and stats.totaltxtime are usually valid however and thus keyed status can be detected from changes in these values between stats requests. Implement moving average calculation of Tx activity level based on stats.keyed or total time keyed divided by elapsed time between the 2 most recent stats requests. The Favorites Table ‘#’ column for each node is now highlighted in a variable shade of red corresponding to the average Tx activity over the past few minutes.

v0.53 2023-01-21
Performance optimizations. Fix issue that would cause an unnecessary database write on every page load/stats request for logged-in users. Fix JS console warning re. no SameSite cookie parameter. Specify AllScan’s dir ($urlbase/) for cookie paths.

v0.51 2023-01-18
Optimizations to Cfgs module. Add ‘DiscBeforeConn Default’ Cfg parameter which determines if the ‘Disconnect Before Connect’ checkbox is checked by default. To have the checkbox be Off by default, go to the Cfgs page and set ‘DiscBeforeConn Default’ to Off.

v0.50 2023-01-17
Add ‘Node Stats’ button. Implement Call Sign, Location and Node Title Cfgs, these are automatically imported from as before but once imported they are now managed on the Cfgs page and will no longer be read (unless these cfgs are later deleted). Fix issue where API files would require a logged in user prior to checking the ‘Public Permission’ cfg, resulting in Connection Status data not being shown for non-logged in users.

v0.49 2023-01-16
Add user authentication and permissions checks to all API files. Add DTMF command button. Updates and optimizations to installer/updater: Fix issue where updater would exit prior to completing all checks if install was up-to-date, provide more detail about all commands executed, prompt user before executing any apt-get/pacman update/upgrade actions.

v0.48 2023-01-11
Implement User Authentication, User Admin, Login/Logout, User Settings and Cfg Management functions. Major refactoring and additions. AllScan now defaults public (not logged-in) users to Read-Only access. This can be changed to None (no public access), Read/Modify, or to Full (no logins needed). Upon install of this version, AllScan will automatically verify the system configuration, create its Database and necessary tables, and when you first visit the allscan url it will prompt you to create an Admin user account, with detailed usage notes.

v0.4 2023-01-02
Only show CPU Temp if data is available. Update InstallUpdate script to verify favorites.ini file in supermon dir is writeable by web server if dir exists. Add API to eventually support stats caching and additional stats features. Update CPU temp data once per minute.

v0.38 2022-12-24
For EchoLink nodes don’t link node Name text to ASL stats page. Revise Green/Yellow CPU Temp range threshold from 120 to 130 °F. Support 7-digit (EchoLink) node numbers when reading in favorites.ini. Fix issue where stats request scanning would stop once it reached an EchoLink node number in the Favorites Table. Properly handle case of invalid node number in favorites file. Download ASTDB file if not found in allscan, allmon or supermon locations.

v0.35 2022-12-21
Optimize stats request timing to more quickly populate the favorites table after page load, then go to a reduced request rate over time, to reduce the chance of the ASL stats request limit (30 per minute) being exceeded if there are multiple AllScan web clients on a node. Link Favorites table Names text to the ASL stats page. Add default file docs/ and give user option to configure and save this to ./ if file was not found in . or ../supermon/. Documentation updates. GUI optimizations. Add default favorites file docs/favorites.ini.sample and give user option to copy this to ./favorites.ini if file was not found in . or ../supermon/.

v0.3 2022-12-19
Implement ASL Stats functions, color coding of Favorites Table and new ‘Rx%’ and ‘LCnt’ columns. Enable automatic reading of astdb.txt file from allscan’s directory or from ../supermon/ or /var/log/asterisk/.

v0.23 2022-12-18
Add print of astdb.txt file Last Update times. CSS optimizations. Add Asterisk Restart button. Improvements to log messages. Support Disconnect before Connect feature. This sends AMI an ‘rpt cmd ilink 6’ (Disconnect all links) command and waits 500mS before executing a Connect request, if ‘Disconnect before Connect’ checkbox is checked and any nodes are connected.

v0.2 2022-12-15
Add Asterisk API. Code refactoring. Add Message Stats div, set up JS functions to output detailed status and error messages during all event processing. Add info links and CPU temp display. Enable sortable columns on Favorites Table. GUI Updates.

v0.1 2022-12-13
Initial Commit.


Q: How can the Admin user password be reset?
A: If you have only one admin user defined (Superuser permission level) and lose the password, the only way to reset it is to delete the AllScan database file. This can be done by executing “sudo rm /etc/allscan/allscan.db” by SSH. This will delete ALL AllScan User accounts and Cfgs.

Q: Will AllScan at some point be able to directly scan nodes ie. by connecting to nodes in the Favorites list and scanning through the list until activity is found?
A: I had originally intended to implement such a feature but it turns out that it is not needed, and could cause issues. Unlike a radio which can scan any number of memory channels quickly and easily, making connections on AllStar requires IAX connections to be opened, which results in connection announcements on some nodes and systems. I would not want AllScan to be the cause of any annoyance to repeater system admins or users if frequent “Node X Connected” messages were broadcast every time a user enabled scanning. ASL’s statistics database and API enables AllScan to show reliable Tx & Rx activity stats without needing to directly connect to any nodes, and this has enabled my original goals for AllScan to be achieved in a simple and efficient way.
Also, checking a list of nodes for activity can be done in a more direct way using the Local Monitor function. For example you could set up a 2nd node where you do a permanent Local Monitor connect to all nodes you want to monitor, and then monitor that on a separate node or with an IAX/SIP phone/app. You can then monitor the “monitoring” node and if you hear a call, a net or something else interesting then switch to your main node and connect to the active node there. You probably wouldn’t want to connect to more than a handful of nodes at a time in Local Monitor mode but it could be a good way to monitor 5 or so nodes simultaneously and not miss any activity. The 2nd node could even be a cloud Linux server with no node hardware needed. Just monitor it through a VOIP phone app such as “Linphone”.

Q: What is the blinking icon for?
A: AllScan’s blinking ‘lighting bolt’ icon toggles on/off as each Connection Status event message is received from the node (ie. from AllScan’s astapi/server.php file which reads status info from a socket connection to Asterisk on the node and then forwards that data every 500mS to AllScan’s JavaScript in the browser.) If it stops blinking that means there is a communication issue between the browser and your node.

Q: If I ever wanted to uninstall AllScan how can this be done?
A: To uninstall, delete the allscan folder in the web server root directory (/var/www/html/ on ASL or /srv/http/ on HamVOIP). cd to that folder, then execute “sudo rm -rf allscan” to delete the AllScan folder. AllScan also keeps a database file in /etc/allscan/ that can be deleted by executing “sudo rm -rf /etc/allscan”.


Thanks to all ASL Developers, to the numerous hams who have helped with Beta testing, and to all repeater owners who have integrated AllStar.